Official My donkeys are calling I must go shirt

The sketchy part didn’t happen until a 2 or 3 weeks into school: only two people (that I knew of) noticed C was coming bra-less on occasion… just me and one of the My donkeys are calling I must go shirt Furthermore, I will do this guys that had “developed early” like she had. (I’ll call him G… for “regular Guy;” FYI… G had a thick, full black beard before we started 7th grade!) Anyway, somehow a few weeks into 8th grade, G started giving C neck & back massages in class while we were supposed to be listening or working… he started doing that one day at lunch when she said she had a headache, but pretty soon he was also giving them to her in History and English too. She made a big deal out of having recurring headaches, so the teachers weren’t freaking out, but I don’t think G was actually helping her headaches much… he would massage C continuously in the most sensuous manner possible. (Took me a few days to realize he was really just stretching out her tank top as the day wore on: all around the arm holes and the cleavage area… so the “view” was better.) Even in 8th grade I could tell they were both “turned on” by this, just by the amount of sweat and “pointy-bits” making appearances on both of them (I struggled to hide my own pointy bits too). On days when C was “commando” she was always showing a LOT of bare skin from the side by the time English class started… and since she was right between me and the teacher (and of course I was NOT paying attention to the teacher), I was the only one that could see right inside her bib overalls and tank tops! From my angle there would be nothing covering up any of her “higher-level assets” for the entire duration of English class! By the time Thanksgiving rolled around, she quit wearing anything under her shorts to cover her “lower-level assets” either, but no one except the 3 of us could tell — because she kept her shorts buttoned on the sides — except once in awhile during English class they would somehow “fall open” after she had started looking all hot & bothered. After Christmas I noticed she started unbuttoning her shorts on my side as soon as English started… she was massaging her lower-half in class while G was massaging her upper half! (It was a good thing I was coasting in English and History, because she wore some version of this outfit at least twice a week when she wasn’t going thru her time of the month, & I really do not remember any of those 2 classes.) Another thing that’s funny now that I’m married, but back then I could not understand was: why G had a supply of Dum-Dum brand lollipops in his backpack. Lollipops that he would only share with C on those days her shorts were open. Let me tell you… it was not saliva she was sharing with him, either! The biggest “heart-pounding moments” when I was certain they’d be caught came any time we were given free time at the end of English class to “work on our homework” — and oh, G would be “working” so hard! He would alternate massaging her nipples (by reaching around thru the armhole furthest from the teacher) and her other lady parts (by reaching thru the same side of her overall-shorts)! All the while I was pretending to read Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Bradbury, and other great science fiction writers. (Asimov was the best tho… his books were long.) It seemed like C & G thought I was just oblivious… reading my boring long book in the corner; I never asked if they knew I was watching because I didn’t want them to stop.

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