Official Clemson Tigers university football hold that tiger logo shirt

However, the Clemson Tigers university football hold that tiger logo shirt In addition,I will do this reason you don’t really see people competing barefoot is that it puts them at a pretty severe disadvantage. Unless people have been training all their lives barefoot and aren’t yet accustomed to wearing shoes, there really isn’t a reason not to wear them in competition; it’d be like limiting a racecar to third gear when everyone else can use the higher gears. Likewise in pole vaulting, the poles can be made of any material but are primarily made of fiberglass or carbon fiber. Several decades ago, the primary material was steel or bamboo. Steel and bamboo are still allowed but why don’t you see professional pole vaulters using those? Because of the competitive disadvantage they pose against more flexible materials. And when your livelihood relies on your performance athletically, you’ll do whatever you can to perform your best. That’s also why there are so many doping scandals but that’s another topic.

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