But it is not just a dusty relic of the Super Mario Detroit Lions stomps on 49ers Chiefs Ravens shirt and I love this past either. It’s worth noting for one that people are still going through this process in virtue of religion. As much as we might like to think otherwise, religion is in some ways still very much alive in the contemporary world. Fundamentalist churches in particular are being started up all the time. What’s more is that religion has a big grasp on political power in the United States as well. It’s more than just the straightforward case of religion though. We all live with these unexamined fundamental assumptions, and at any time we might find “the rug pulled out from underneath our feet.” We might find that we lose faith in the ability of science to produce a better world. We might find that we lose faith in the grounding of democracy and free speech. We might find that having money and status is not enough. We might find that our justice system doesn’t actually preserve justice and perpetuates injustice.

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