Official Jonesy Briere 2024 shirt

I smoked for 26 years, a pack or more a day, so I had a fairly serious habit going. I took a slightly different approach to quitting than a lot of people. First of all, I quit cold turkey – just to be done with it asap. And where I did it a little different was I took a few days off work, settled in my mind that I would be in for a rough few days, then I … did nothing! A lot of folks will advise staying busy to keep your mind and body occupied. And this will no doubt work for tons of people. But I settled in to lazing around the Jonesy Briere 2024 shirt moreover I love this house, watching a lot of TV, and just getting through the first few days. My reasoning behind this was my habit of rewarding myself with a cigarette every time I accomplished a chore. I gambled on the crazy notion that if I eliminated the task, I might eliminate the trigger for a reward cigarette. It worked for me, amazingly. Those first several days weren’t easy, but I was prepared for this. Happily, I haven’t had a smoke for six months. After the first couple of weeks I had no more cravings.

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